The main theme in the movie (I think) was about welthiness and powerty. You could cleary see that through:
- Splendid battles with much blood.
- Diamond-hunting
(Mark you the name ”Blood Diamond”... :D)
- Both main characters: The rich, english man and the poor, black father.
- War
- And so on...
All in all I think the movie deserves:
Reason: The moive was continious exciting. It was filled with very much action, but at the same time it got a theme in it! A theme that explained how brutal the world in Africa was (and it still is), with children running around with guns, alcohol and drugs. The film didn’t really ”touch me”, but I guess; I am a boy, what can I do? Although I saw (and heard) crying people through almost the whole movie...
Many interesting reflections, Raniero, it's obvious that you've understood the movie.