tirsdag 29. september 2009

Homework due Wednesday 30th!

1. What does point of view mean? Explain using your own words. Give examples from one of the texts we've been working with.

Point of view means by who and where the story is telled. For example in the book "Doppler", you can clearly see that the author is the main character. But it's not always nessesary that the author/writer "helds" the point of view. For example in Harry Potter the main character tells the story, not the writer HERself. (I took examples from books I've read, if it's okay

2. What does concord mean? Explain using your own words. Give examples.

You can say that concord is the change of the verb depended on the sentence. Examples of concord:

" I lovE the fresh smell of a new-baked pizza! "
" He/she/it loveS the fresh smell of a new-baked pizza! "

You have to put on a "S" behind the verb that describes what he/she/it is doing, as shown up there...

3. What's the difference between adverbs and adjectives? Explain using your own words.

An adjective tells you something/describes the (sbustantiv) ??noun?? Example:

" The house was painted with a delicate, red colour! "

An adverb is an adjective that describes the verb. It describes what we are doing, for example:

Verb: " I burned my pizza!"
Adverb: " I burned my pizza hard!"

4. Choose one of the characters from one of the short stories we've been working with. Write a characterisation of this fictional person.

I am going to write a characterisation about the man on the cafeteria/restaurant.. ( I don't remember the name of the text right now )...

Then man seems very lonely, sitting in the fully crowded restaurant. You can clearly see that he want's attention, that somebody will se him, talk to him, laugh with him. He seems a bit old, maybe a bit conservative???

© RM

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